samedi 31 décembre 2016

EXPLOSIVE GAMBLING can be life changing...

Sharing a concept and a business which can change peoples lives are not only great fun, it can become very rewarding, creating a significant income, for you and familly

Explosive presentation English 

Explosive presentation English from Explosive Global


Sharing a concept and a business which can change peoples lives are not only great fun, it can become very rewarding, creating a significant income, for you and familly


The third Biggest economy in the word



jeudi 29 décembre 2016

Richmond Berks Ltd.

Richmond Berks Ltd. in numbers


How much can I earn?

Your income depends only on you. Based on the amount of money you decide to invest. You will get 1.4% profit of your investments daily.

How can I get my money?

You can withdraw your earnings anytime convenient for you or redirect it to any available payment system.

What does the company have to gain?

Our company, certainly, gets some percent of the profit from the purchased real estate. However, this percent does not influence the profit of our clients in any way.

Which guarantees can our company provide?

Each client personally signs up a legal agreement that includes all conditions of investment and gaining further profit.


Services videos marketing – SEO Professionnel pour vos Videos ou Sites

ABservices vous propose un service SEO Pour vos sites pour rapidement être en 1ére page de google... qui vous apporteront plus de Clients, et Bénéfices.

[video width="640" height="480" mp4=""][/video]

Services SEO pour Booster Votre Site et vos videos

En Gros...Nous allons créés pour vous des comptes sociaux sur une années et créés des Backlinks de qualités pour que votre site se Retrouve en première page de google et Poster votre video sur plus de 175 sites sociaux créer au nom de votre domaine.

Regarder Notre domaine entre le mois de juillet 2016 et le mois de septembre 2016 Nous avons augmenter notre Rank de 1.000000 sur Alexa .

Le Domaine - Est Certifié Métrique sur Alexa. Vous pourrez suivre l'évolution de votre Rank sur VOUS POUVEZ-NOUS JOINDRE PAR TEL: ABservices Alexandre Buffat au +41793794779 (French) pour plus de renseignements.  

Essayer un Audit SEO Gratuit de votre domaine.


POUR VOTRE SUCCES:  Alexandre Buffat.

mercredi 28 décembre 2016

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

En atteignant vos clients via 3 Canaux… La recherche d’entreprise locale et le moyens N°1 des personnes utilisant des téléphones intelligents, malheureusement les sites normaux sont difficiles à afficher sur les petits écrans mobiles… Nous Créons des landings page ou page de destination pour 6 raisons… pour l’innovation, pour des Conversions efficaces, pour les tests d'efficacités, c’est moins cher, intégré avec Tap-To-Cal / SMS / et la technologie Email, pour finir de nouvelles fonctions d’intégration Youtube, Twitter et Facebook, qui permettent de fusionner les marchés sur une page de destination et permet une exposition maximal, et de marketing avec la meilleure portée ciblée.







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Powered by Response Magic

lundi 26 décembre 2016

Welcome to 25 DOLLAR LEGACY!


Your Rapid Residual Income Platform
Start on your path to a rapid residual income with a community 
of like mind individuals creating wealth amongst our members. 

Sign Up Now!!!

Start on your path to a rapid residual income with a community 
of like mind individuals creating wealth amongst our members. 


dimanche 25 décembre 2016

Explosive Gambling can be life changing…

Explosive presentation English 

Explosive presentation English from Explosive Global

Explosive is a new shared business concept based around crowd and shared economy terms. Instead of the traditional approach where businesses build their brand through advertising, our members share Explosive with their friends, like how most crowd based business have become known.  

Members Only

We believe that by making our business concepts available exclusively to our members we will build businesses which create more value and better products/services to those who can access them.

By Introduction Only

You can only become part of Explosive by invitation; our concept is based on a community where existing members introduce new members. It is the new way of doing business! 



The third Biggest economy in the word




samedi 24 décembre 2016

Join the Freelife Network Today and Let Us Help You To Eliminate All Monthly Payments.

Free Life Network

Everyone knows that money is tight these days. People are struggling to make ends meet. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could join a network of similar thinking individuals dedicated to helping each other succeed? What if this network had a system that allowed you to target and pay for your monthly bills and goals? FreeLife has developed a system with these concept in mind because "Everyone should be able to Live a Free Life!"

Free Life Network

dimanche 18 décembre 2016



Rejoignez Nous sur Facebook en Cliquant-ICI



Depuis le début des années quatre vingts Harald SEIZ exerce son activité comme indépendant dans la Finance.
Après sa formation dans le domaine des Assurances et de l'Immobilier , Harald SEIZ a coopéré avec beaucoup de succès en tant que conseiller financier libéral pour le compte de plusieurs établissements.
Au milieu des années 1990 il a atteint un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de 60 millions de DEM avec un seul d'entre eux.
Fin 2008 il a intégré un établissement dans le domaine des métaux précieux.
Harald SEIZ a atteint la première position au sein de cet établissement en sept mois à peine.
Mais ses visions étaient plus ambitieuses que celles de l'entreprise en question qui ne déployait son activité que sur le territoire allemand.
L'or pour tous dans les plus petites unités possible et à l'échelle mondiale était une idée fantastique offrant plus de sécurité aux Hommes.
C'est ainsi que Harald SEIZ a créé la société KARATBARS International GmbH en 2011.
L'entreprise s'est spécialisée dans le commerce de lingotins d'or ainsi que d'articles de cadeau intégrant des lingotins d'or ,tels que des cartes d'or unigramme, des cartes à fin de merchandising , de collection ou de cadeau.
A ce jour Harald SEIZ commercialise ses produits innovants à l'échelle mondiale dans plus de 70 pays.
Sa Vision est de contribuer à la sécurisation financière de chacun et dans tous les pays de la planète.

Le siège et le centre logistique de la société Karatbars sont situés à Stuttgart.
Ils sont en charge de l'ensemble des services support, tels que le marketing , la communication clients et partenaires, l'exécution et la livraison des commandes.
Le siège social coordonne par ailleurs le lancement de l'activité dans de nouveaux pays en Europe .

Le mode de pensée et d'action au plus haut niveau est empreint d'ambition, de droiture, d'équité et d'honnêteté.
Je m'en porte garant avec mon nom

Harald SEIZ

mercredi 23 novembre 2016

Turbo bot builder

Interact Automatically On Messenger In Just A Few Clicks!

Capitalize on Facebook™ 
MessengerAutomatically Using Customized Bots – And Do It All In A Few Clicks!

Finally, there is a fantastic, easy way for you to take full advantage of Messenger’s incredible growth through a simple chatbot, designed specifically for your business.

 Do you know the value of Facebook Messenger and wish you had a way to take advantage of that incredible use?

 Don’t have the time to spend responding to numerous messages directly?

 Want a way to get to tape into the huge numbers of people using this digital medium?

 Do you wish you had a simple way to connect more effectively with your audience but don’t want to spend a lot of money designing your own bot?

You’re In Luck!

Introducing for the First Time Ever…

Turbo Bot Builder!

Turbo Bot Builder is the simplest tool available to you to create the most effective bot to interact directly with your customers and clients on Facebook Messenger!

Dear Internet Marketers and Businesses:

You can interact automatically using Facebook Messenger, but the time and money invested in doing this one-on-one is very prohibitive for today’s small business. However, with Turbo Bot Builder, you gain access to the millions of people that use Messenger. It does all of the work for you – and it doesn’t cost you much at all!

A chat bot is a tool that automatically reply with the answers you will pre-define to your Messenger visitors when they contact you. You can grab their attention and provide key information to these people – who already want to work with you and just need you to interact with them!

Let’s say you have a top-quality product.

You know people want it and will buy it from you.

And, you know you have the right price point. Yet, you aren’t able to interact fast enough, effectively, or in the best way to get people to close the sale. You’re on Facebook Messenger, but not getting the attention you need. You’re not alone.

The Problem:

You need a customized, highly responsive and intuitive chat bot that can do all of the hard legwork for you! But, you don’t have:

 The time to develop relationships with real people

 The budget for a staff of professionals

 All the time in the world to implement a complex tool

Here’s the GOOD News:

You can get the best chat bot tool available today!

You can use Turbo Bot Builder to create a customized bot that interacts FOR you and does all of your Facebook interaction on your behalf.

That means that you have:

Exactly what you need to build a relationship with Messenger users without the time investment or cost that it normally takes!

It has NEVER been this easy to create a customized Facebook Messenger chat bot that’s right for your company and so easy to put into place.

 NO HTML knowledge is necessary!

 There’s NO need for a Database – That means you do not have to think about learning the complex language or computer code that you do not have time to learn.

 NO WordPress is necessary either! We know you may already love WordPress and that’s okay. However, you do not need it to sell your product or service – You don’t have to put your business at risk from hackers who can get into WordPress and put your company on the line.

 You JUST need to INSTALL IT and GO! The admin panel for Turbo Bot Builder is highly effective and EASY to use. You will log into the admin panel and make all of the changes and modifications you need right there. This makes it very easy for those without experience (NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY!) to create the customized bot they need to excel.

 You can edit your content in a moment. It just takes minutes to get your bot set up and working for you on Facebook Messenger!

 It’s a simple login to get started. Everything you need is a single login and a simple tool to get started. It’s very fast and easy to use!

Just How Good Is Turbo Bot Builder Going to Be for Your Business?

Well, we want to make sure you have everything you need to excel here.

Let’s face the facts here….

Messenger is an incredible tool that allows you to connect with some 900 million people around the globe. Bots for Messenger allow you to reach those people who are using mobile. No matter the size or type of company you have, this is one of the most EFFECTIVE solutions for tapping into these people.

You get this new revolutionary software that allows you to create a bot for Facebook Messenger that will reply on your behalf to your online visitors using the PRE-DEFINED answers from the PAIRS of Questions/Answers loaded to its "brain". The bot works perfectly on all the devices since all people today use Facebook Messenger! You do not need to depend on any other service! 



Turbo Bot Builder is designed to cut out all the complicated steps allowing you to use only what YOU NEED, hence cutting out everything you do not need!


Here's how it works in 5 simple steps:

1. Upload the files of Turbo Bot Builder in your hosting account.

2. Login to the protected administration area.

3. Set it up ONCE and connect it to your Facebook page.

4. Add pairs of QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.

5. Add links to the bot's Menu - so you can direct visitors to your promos, signup forms, etc.

That's it!

Here is the Dashboard - where you will be able to create your bot:


Here is where you can add the title of the bot and set it up:


Here is where you can view the options you have when creating a bot, ie. Adding Messages (Questions & Answers), Adding links to bot's MENU, Configure & Edit the bot:


Here is where you can add pairs of QUESTIONS/ANSWERS, hence feeding the bot's "brain" - there is no limit to the number of questions/answers that can be added:


Here is where you can add links to the bot's MENU, hence directing visitors where you want (can be any website suggested number of links to add: 3-5):


Here is the configuration screen, where you can also add the default messages that can be used when the bot does not "know" an answer to a question (REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING PEOPLE TYPE IN IS "RECORDED" BY THE BOT, SO YOU CAN ALWAYS CHECK WHAT PEOPLE ASK AND "FEED" YOUR BOT WITH MORE PAIRS OF QUESTIONS/ANSWERS):


And here is the Instructions' section right in your bot's admin panel; a PDF version is also delivered:


As you can see Turbo Bot Builder is a software your customers will appreciate and be very happy to PAY YOU for getting it in their hands!

  • Turbo Bot Builder is a php script: all servers support php. IF IN DOUBT you can ask your host if your hosting account supports PHP 5.4
  • The following extensions must be available by the hosting account too: MCrypt PHP Extension, Sqlite PHP Extension. Again, IF IN DOUBT you can ask your host to install those extensions.
  • Hence you will need a hosting account and a domain name with an SSL certificate - required by Facebook.

Are You STILL WORRIED about creating your own Facebook Messenger bot?

It’s no problem at all!

We’ve created this helpful video to really streamline the process and show you how easy it can be!

Turbo Bot Builder is a fantastic tool to allow you to interact with your customers without spending a lot of time or money. There’s no reason for you to limit your exposure or to turn people off by delaying a response to their message!

And, there’s NO RISK with our…

NO QUESTIONS ASKED 30-day money back guarantee!

It is our goal to show you just how effective it can be to obtain the results you need from our tool. We're CONFIDENT you'll find Turbo Bot Builder to be highly effective. To make that possible, we're giving you a 30-day money back guarantee. There's no reason to put off getting your results in place.

It’s easy to get started. In fact, let’s do that right now!

Download Turbo Bot Builder today $47 and get the process under way.


ABservices Alexander Buffat

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ABservices Copyright 2016 - All Rights Reserved

vendredi 4 novembre 2016

les produits jeunesse global livraison en suisse




redéfinit la jeunessebat des recordschange des viesdonne en retourest une famille mondialeest generation young


Notre passion: redéfinir la jeunesse grâce à nos produits révolutionnaires et nos opportunités quichangent la vie.

Nous réunissons les gens sous l’idée simple que tout le monde mérite de vivre une vie jeune, saine et de découvrir une liberté financière.


©2016 Jeunesse Global Holdings, LLC.

Tous droits réservés.




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